Filmreihe Cinemania Kalk
Vorführung am Fr 02.06. um 21.30 Uhr!

MOONLIGHT erzählt Chirons Leben in drei Kapiteln mit drei Schauspielern verschiedenen Alters. Auch wenn die Geschichte sich total um die Lebensrealität eines Jungen, der zum Mann wird, dreht, wird MOONLIGHT mit so viel Gefühl erzählt und gespielt, dass sich die Zuschauerin der Identifikation nicht entziehen kann – und dies auch nicht will." (--- Xenix Kino, Zürich)
"Its delicate humanism; Laxton's hauntingly intimate photography; the brilliant performances of the cast; Barry Jenkins' masterful direction – this has all stayed with me since I reluctantly walked left the theatre on that balmy Saturday afternoon. The ushers had politely made their presence known as soon as the end credits began, but I was not ready to leave the cinema just yet... I wanted to listen closely to Nicholas Britell's lush "End Credits Suite" as it played out the film's closing credits." (--- Clare Nina Norell, Mubi (2017))
"Along with Jordan Peele's "Get Out", the second feature from Barry Jenkins was one of the defining American films of the decade: plunging directly into the nexus of race, class, and sexuality that both structures contemporary Western society and keeps it in a constant state of chaos and violence, Jenkins combats it through tenderness, beauty, and formal daring as a complement to Peele's subversive, genre-movie savvy. Proceeding in three distinct movements, MOONLIGHT traces the literal and figurative growth of its protagonist, Chiron, as he progresses from a troubled child (Alex Hibbert) to a sexually confused teenager (Ashton Sanders) to a buff, jail-tatted drug dealer (Trevante Rhodes) who finds that he still yearns for his high-school love. Winner of the Academy Awards for Best Picture, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Supporting Actor (for Mahershala Ali, in his star-making turn as Chiron's childhood father figure), MOONLIGHT is a heartbreaker of a film, filled with miracles. This film is, without a doubt, the reason we go to the movies." (--- Toronto International Filmfestival)
Die Filmprogramme von "Cinemania Kalk" finden mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Kulturamts der Stadt Köln statt!


• Drama
• USA 2016
• englische Originalsprachfassung mit deutschen Untertiteln
• 111 Minuten
FSK ab 12 Jahre


Regie: Barry Jenkins
Drehbuch: Barry Jenkins
Kamera: James Laxton
Schnitt: Joi McMillon, Nat Sanders
Musik: Nicholas Britell
Darsteller:innen: Alex R. Hibbert, Ashton Sanders, Trevante Rhodes









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