Filmreihe Cinemania Kalk
Vorführung am So 18.07.21 um 13.00 Uhr!
++ Soli-Gutschein-Wunschfilm-Gewinner ++ "Lichtspiele Kalk-Gang"-Lieblingsfilmreihe ++ Gewinner-Film von Fabia! Herzlichen Glückwunsch! ++
Das Mädchen Chihiro ist nicht sonderlich erbaut darüber, dass ihre Eltern von Tokio in einen Vorort umziehen. Auf der Fahrt zum neuen Zuhause nimmt der Vater eine vermeintliche Abkürzung. So landet die Familie in einem scheinbar stillgelegten Vergnügungspark, der aber überraschendes Leben birgt und sich als Hort der Shintogötter und Dämonen entpuppt. Chihiro sieht sich unvermittelt in einer Zauberwelt, in der es gilt, die inzwischen verwunschenen Eltern zu befreien zu befreien. Ein schwieriges Unterfangen...
"Animation is a painstaking process, and there is a tendency to simplify its visual elements. Miyazaki, in contrast, offers complexity. His backgrounds are rich in detail, his canvas embraces space liberally, and it is all drawn with meticulous attention. ...
SPIRITED AWAY is surely one of the finest of all animated films, and it has its foundation in the traditional bedrock of animation, which is frame-by-frame drawing. Miyazaki began his career in that style, but he is a realist and has permitted the use of computers for some of the busywork. But he personally draws thousands of frames by hand. ...
The story of SPIRITED AWAY has been populated with limitless creativity. Has any film ever contained more different kinds of beings that we have never seen anywhere before? Miyazaki's imagination never rests. ...
Miyazaki says he made the film specifically for 10-year-old girls. That is why it plays so powerfully for adult viewers. Movies made for 'everybody' are actually made for nobody in particular. Movies about specific characters in a detailed world are spellbinding because they make no attempt to cater to us; they are defiantly, triumphantly, themselves. As I watched the film again, I was spellbound as much as by any film I consider great. That helps explain why SPIRITED AWAY grossed more than "Titanic" in Japan, and was the first foreign film in history to open in the U.S. having already made more than $200 million." (Roger Ebert (2012))
Die Filmprogramme von "Cinemania Kalk" finden mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Kulturamts der Stadt Köln statt!
• Animation, Fantasy, Abenteuer
• Japan, USA 2001
• deutsche Synchronsprachfassung
• 125 Minuten
• FSK 0 Jahre
Regie: Hayao Miyazaki
Drehbuch: Hayao Miyazaki
Kamera: Atsushi Okui
Schnitt: Takeshi Seyama
Musik: Joe Hisaishi
Production Design: Norobu Yoshida
Art Direction: Yôji Takeshige