Cinemania Kalk - Longlegs Special #03
Vorführung am Fr 16.08.24 um 21.30 Uhr!
"Director Chloe Okuno deftly elevates WATCHER from a Hitchcockian homage to one of this century's most arresting tales of female anxiety." (--- Lena Wilson, New York Times)
"Composed and stylized with uncompromisingly elegant aesthetics WATCHER feels like an artifact of a different era ... A stunning gaslighting whodunit." (--- Tomris Laffly, Harper's Bazaar)
"Director Chloe Okuno and lead actress Maika Monroe bring a fresh femme perspective to this heart-stopping 70s-style psychological thriller dripping with Hitchcockian voyeurism and rampant paranoia." (--- New Zealand International Film Festival 2022)
"Chloe Okuno's first feature film surprises us on several levels – starting, for example, with the veiled references to the Hitchcock of "Rear Window". In WATCHER, we follow Julia, a newly married young American woman who moves to Bucharest with her husband. The premise is very simple: the difficulties of acculturation – to the language, to the habits, to the atmosphere of the city – and everything seems different and strange. But not only that. There are also other factors – not so common – that prevent her from integrating." (--- Jéssica Pestana, IndieLisboa International Independent Film Festival 2023)
Die Filmprogramme von "Cinemania Kalk" finden mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Kulturamts der Stadt Köln statt!
• Thriller
• USA, Rumänien u.a. 2022
• englische Originalsprachfassung mit deutschen Untertiteln
• 91 Minuten
• keine Jugendfreigabe
• Deskriptoren:
Regie: Chloe Okuno
Drehbuch: Chloe Okuno, Zack Ford
Kamera: Benjamin Kirk Nielsen
Montage: Michael Block
Musik: Nathan Halpern
Darsteller:innen: Maika Monroe, Karl Glusman, Burn Gorman