Filmreihe something weird cinema
16mm-Vorführung am Di 07.05.19 um 21.00 Uhr
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"Tab Hunter plays Eddie, a popular and handsome high school coach; who is given to passing out advice about women to his charges. Only Eddie isn't all he seems – and probably isn't best placed to offer relationship advice. Whilst he carries on a seemingly normal, if chaste, relationship with a fellow teacher he has some distinctive sexual quirks. ... SWEET KILL is essentially another grindhouse riff on the themes made popular in Hitchcock's PSYCHO (1960), with Mother problems, impotence, rage and bathroom murder (here near the end) all on the menu. Hunter is excellent as the deeply disturbed teacher, whose good looks are like a honey trap for the ladies – and somewhat bizarrely has a never explained connection to pigeons! He has to be admired for trashing his image quite so fully. Although his career had already hit the TV skids long before he agreed to appear in this. He went on to gleefully further subvert his image in John Waters' wonderful POLYESTER (1981). ... SWEET KILL was directed by Curtis Hanson, who – perhaps surprisingly – went onto high profile Hollywood fayre such as LA CONFIDENTIAL (1997)." Hysteria lives
Die Filmprogramme von "something weird cinema" finden mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Kulturamts der Stadt Köln statt!
• Horror
• USA 1972
• englische Originalsprachfassung
• 85 Minuten
• FSK 18 Jahre
Regie + Drehbuch: Curtis Hanson
Produzenten: Roger Corman & Tamara Asseyev
Musik: Charles Bernstein
Darsteller: Tab Hunter, Cherie Latimer, Nadyne Turney, Isabel Jewell