Der neue Film von Lieblings-Regisseur Luca Guadagnino! ... "QUEER is a dazzling showcase for Guadagnino. It's a film that finds Guadagnino in his most formidable, gutsiest mode yet, a universal love story featuring expressionistic flights of fancy, gratifying moments of psychedelic surrealism, and surprising tenderness." The New York Film Festival 2024
QUEER, das hochgelobte jüngste Werk von Luca Guadagnino ("Challengers", "Call Me By Your Name", "Suspiria"), ist eine bildgewaltige, sinnliche Adaption des Kultromans von William S. Burroughs mit einer zutiefst berührenden und hypnotisierenden Performance von Daniel Craig in der Hauptrolle.
1950: William Lee (Daniel Craig), ein amerikanischer Expat in Mexiko-Stadt, verbringt seine Tage fast ausschließlich allein, abgesehen von einigen wenigen Kontakten zu anderen Mitgliedern der kleinen amerikanischen Gemeinde. Seine Begegnung mit Eugene Allerton (Drew Starkey), einem ehemaligen Soldaten, der neu in der Stadt ist, lässt ihn zum ersten Mal daran glauben, endlich eine intime Beziehung zu jemandem aufbauen zu können.
"Daniel Craig dazzles as William Lee, an outcast American expat who becomes infatuated with an elusive younger man while living in Mexico City. He also revels in the city's nightlife and its colourful, larger-than-life characters. Jason Schwartzman, Lesley Manville and impressive newcomer Drew Starkey populate Guadagnino's richly evocative and sensual film, which features a typically immersive score by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross." Isabel Moir, BFI London Film Festival 2024
"Written in the early 1950s yet not published until 1985, William S. Burroughs's "Queer" has come to be considered a canonical work in the career of the Beat Generation author and a cornerstone of transgressive gay literature. In his wildly ambitious adaptation, Luca Guadagnino expertly evokes the book's post–World War II time period and cinematically translates Burroughs's iconoclasm with panache. In a transformative role, Daniel Craig immerses himself into Burroughs's alter ego William Lee, a habitual heroin user luxuriating in freedom and desiccation among a disconnected group of gay American expatriates in Mexico City in the late 1940s. When enigmatic, preppy ex-military kid Eugene Allerton (Drew Starkey) catches Lee's eye, he swoons into a headlong love affair, commencing an odyssey that will take them all the way to the Ecuadorian jungle in pursuit of the ultimate high. Buoyed by go-for-broke performances from Craig and Starkey, and rollicking, unexpected supporting turns from Lesley Manville and Jason Schwartzman, QUEER is a dazzling showcase for many in Guadagnino's stable of collaborators, including "Challengers" screenwriter Justin Kuritzkes, cinematographer Sayombhu Mukdeeprom, and music composers Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross. It's a film that finds Guadagnino in his most formidable, gutsiest mode yet, a universal love story featuring expressionistic flights of fancy, gratifying moments of psychedelic surrealism, and surprising tenderness." The New York Film Festival 2024
englische Originalfassung mit deutschen Untertiteln & deutsche Synchronfassung
• Regie: Luca Guadagnino
• Italien, USA 2024
• 137 Minuten
• FSK 16
• Deskriptoren: