Filmreihe Cinemania Kalk
Vorführung am Sa 04.05.24 um 22.30 Uhr !

In einer Besserungsanstalt für Jugendliche erlebt der Strassenjungen Pixote körperliche Misshandlung, sexuellen Missbrauch und tödliche Gewalt. Nur das Schnüffeln von Klebstoff spendet Trost. Aus Angst vor den Übergriffen flüchtet er zusammen mit einem Freund zurück in ein Leben als Kleinkrimineller auf der Strasse. In der alternden Prostituierten Sueli sucht er eine Ersatzmutter. Doch nachdem Pixote einen ihrer Freier erschießt, wirft sie ihn raus. Wieder ist er auf sich allein gestellt. - Ein grosser Klassiker des brasilianischen Kinos und des Films in Lateinamerika.

"A tour-de-force from Brazil!" (--- The Wall Street Journal)

"Hot from its astonishing success in New York (where it ran for a year at the prestigious Quad cinema), and heralded by tales of censorship battles throughout the world, PIXOTE arrives in this country in what appears to be an upsurge of interest in the 'new' Brazilian cinema. It could not be more different from the 'Cinema Novo' films of the 1960s and early 70s, which were heavily allegorical in approach in order to circumvent stringent political censorship. PIXOTE opens with director Hector Babenco standing on a hill overlooking the slums of Sao Paulo, quoting statistics direct to camera (facts…), and pointing out that the actors in the film come from similar backgrounds to the boys they portray (…faction…), before he stands aside – literally, as the camera glides past him to descend into the Sao Paulo streets – to make way for the story (…fiction). But any anchoring of the film in the social realities of Brazil's urban urchins stops here. From the closed, claustrophobic world of the reform school, with its routine rapes, bullying (by officials and boys alike), and hierarchies of violence, to the open, but equally limited life of the boys on the outside, the film takes its cue from other conventions – sensationalism being in the forefront." (--- Jo Imeson, Monthly Film Bulletin (1983))

"Fernando Ramos Da Silva, who plays Pixote, has one of the most eloquent faces ever seen on the screen. It's not actually bruised, but it looks battered. The eyes don't match, as if one eye were attending to immediate events and the other were considering escape routes. It's a face full of life and expression and one that hardly ever smiles." (--- Vincent Canby, The New York Times (1981))

Die Filmprogramme von "Cinemania Kalk" finden mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Kulturamts der Stadt Köln statt!


• Drama
• Brasilien 1980
• portugiesische Originalsprachfassung mit deutschen Untertiteln
• 128 Minuten
FSK ab 16 Jahre
• Deskriptoren: www.fsk.de


Regie: Héctor Babenco
Drehbuch: Héctor Babenco, Jorge Durán
Kamera: Rodolfo Sanchez
Montage: Luiz Elias
Musik: John Neschling
Darsteller:innen: Fernando Ramos da Silva, Marília Pêra, Jorge









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