Filmreihe something weird cinema
Vorführung am Mo 11.11.24 um 21.45 Uhr!
"Vengeance is hers in Abel Ferrara's career breakout, a feminist rethinking of "Death Wish". Zoë Tamerlis (later Zoë Lund, as actress and screenwriter on Ferrara's "Bad Lieutenant") is transfixing as a mute garment-district worker who, after being sexually assaulted twice in one night, becomes a vigilante, roaming the streets with her gun at the ready. Written by his frequent collaborator Nicholas St. John, this broke new ground for tough female-driven films." (--- Quad Cinema New York)
New York. Die stumme, scheue Thana arbeitet als Näherin in einer Kleiderfabrik. Als sie zweimal kurz hintereinander vergewaltigt wird, verwandelt sich das unscheinbare Mädchen in einen brutalen Racheengel, der durch die New Yorker Bars, Straßen und Parks zieht und eine blutige Spur hinterlässt...
"Eerie and unforgettable, MS. 45 is an essential snapshot of New York City in the early 1980s from Abel Ferrara ("Driller Killer") – one of the greatest and most unique living filmmakers on the planet. Thana is a garment worker who’s had the ultimate bad day, as she's assaulted twice in visceral fashion. Shocked to her core, Thana's nights become consumed by vengeful prowls through the city, which result in men winding up on the wrong end of a bullet. Knocking the "Death Wish" rip-off subgenre into a new stratosphere, MS. 45 showcases a haunting performance from Tamerlis and Ferrara's knack for transforming limited resources into genre revolutions." (--- Tribeca Festival 2022)
Die Filmprogramme von "Cinemania Kalk und something weird cinema" finden mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Kulturamts der Stadt Köln statt!
• Thriller
• USA 1981
• englische Originalsprachfassung
• 80 Minuten
• HD
• FSK 18 Jahre
• Deskriptoren:
Regie: Abel Ferrara
Drehbuch: Nicholas St. John
Kamera: James Momel
Montage: Christopher Andrews
Musik: Joe Delia
Darsteller:innen: Zoë Lund, Albert Sinkys, Darlene Stuto